"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them - I have others."
Groucho Marx
If you have ever seen the old Groucho Marx game show called "You Bet Your Life" then you will understand what this blog is about. If not, it's enough to know that Groucho had a highly successful radio and TV show based on interviewing everyday people and asking them a few simple questions for some modest prize money. The fun was in watching Groucho interact with the contestants. Some tension was added to the show by having a cigar smoking duck that flew down with a $100 bill when a contestant said the magic word. Hey - it was the fifties, what can I say?
This blog is merely a contest to see who reads what I post here without being prompted to do so by me. The winner of the contest will be the first person to email me with the magic word. The magic word is "Blister". The prize is a signed 8 x 10 photograph of me and all you have to do to win is be the first one to post a comment or send an email containing the magic word.
Good luck and may the best man or woman win.
Hi there Mr. Blister!
Gimme my prize
Where's my prize?
I am working on it. It will be worth the wait.
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