Friday, January 8, 2010

The Hope That Springs Eternal....

You've got to accent-u-ate the positive
E-lim-i-nate the negative
Latch on to the affirm-a-tive
Don't mess with Mr. Inbetween

I was a commission salesman for over 20 years and was able to make a half decent living at it. At least I was able to keep food on the table, shoes on the feet and gas in the car. If you know anything about sales you will know that it involves a lot of rejection. A lot of rejection that you must learn to live with. Over the course of those 20 years I heard a lot of theories and read a lot of books and articles about sales - mostly in trade magazines while sitting in outer offices waiting for a sales appointment. One of the most memorable I ever came across was by an author named Robert Ringer who wrote "Winning Through Intimidation" - a huge best seller back in the 70's. A couple of his theories stuck with me for some reason.
One of his major points was the Theory of Sustenance of a Positive Attitude Through the Assumption of a Negative Result. In other words - prepare yourself for long-term success by being prepared for short-term failure. This was meant to apply to the sales process but I think it can be applied to many of life's situations - such as relationships, jobs, children, dogs and computers.

Another one of his interesting points was the Ice Ball Theory - and not even David Suzuki or Al Gore can dispute this one. The theory basically points out the scientific fact that in 50 billion years, the sun will burn out and the Earth will be a frozen ice ball. It is taking the long view to be sure and flies in face of the current global warming theory - but it is a fact and it will happen. A tad bit fatalistic but strangely comforting - I guess it's nice to have something you can really count on in these changing times. Nothing you do now could possibly matter then - so don’t take yourself too seriously. Singer John Mellencamp also took this view in his album titled "Nothing Matters and What if it Did?" More of a rhetorical statement than a rhetorical question and one that I have not found the answer to yet because there is none. And believe it or not - all of these points of view have actually helped me through many a situation when more conventional wisdom let me down.

What is this blog all about? I am not sure - you tell me. I think it follows up one of my earlier blogs about small glimmers of hope. We are approaching that time of the year when a lot of us give into the darkness of winter. But there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, and no - it is not an oncoming train.

Perhaps the best theory of all might just come from comedian and philosopher George Carlin whose Hippy Dippy weatherman, Al Sleet used to forecast "dark followed by widely scattered light". At this time of year - we can't ask for much better than that, can we?

1 comment:

Tracy Walls said...

The rum/eggnog level in your blood is crashing