Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Lassie Come Home....

Woof woof! Woof... woof... woof .
Woof woof and woof!

"What's that you say girl? You detect something strange in that passenger's underpants? Please step over here sir while we complete our pre-boarding inspection. Please drop your pants sir. Well well well, what have we here. Is that a stick of dynamite in your pants or are you just happy to see me? Good girl Lassie - here is a Kibble and a pat on the head. Officer - take this man away."

The above paragraph describes a situation that could happen at any airport, large or small - at a very minimal cost - no need for bulky and complicated full body scanners at the ridiculous price of $250,000.00 each. No lineups for hours while complicated and untrustworthy machinery attempts to detect dangerous explosives smuggled into airports by would be terrorists. Not while Old Duke, Lassie, Hobo and Rin Tin Tin are on the job. And these old out-of-work K9 actors will work for peanuts - well maybe not peanuts but a few bags of Purina dog chow and a beef bone will go a long way.

Anybody who has ever entered the home of a dog owner and bent over to take their shoes off knows that dogs are born for this kind of highly specialized work. All dogs are born with a natural curiosity, a territorial imperative and a big wet nose. I suggest this more than qualifies them to defend our skies against terrorist activities. And furthermore I recommend that the Canadian government invest in this economically sound and proven technology and leave the fancy, dancy body scanners to our American friends.

Of course we will all have to submit to Rover's close scrutiny - at least those of us foolish enough to fly will. Personally I will stay here on the ground and if Rover gets a little too over-zealous I can overlook his professional integrity knowing that it is a safer world. WOOF!

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