Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pancake Rant!

I am sure you have all watched and enjoyed Rick Mercer's rants on his weekly TV show. Rick does a great job and usually deals with important topics such as politics and, uh.... politics. Well this is my first rant and it is about something far more important than politics - it is about pancakes. I was going to pinpoint Crosby's Pancakes but I have decided to widen my scope and go after the whole pancake mafia! That's right Aunt Jemima - you can run but you can't hide! And I see you Betty Crocker - shame on you!!

I guess to be truthful it is not the humble pancake that should be the target of my rant but the sodium content therein. Forget the H1N1 pandemic folks - what we have here is a full blown pan-cake-demic! And I don't see any lineups for the vaccine. Not yet. I am a recent convert to the low sodium way of life having listened to and heeded the advice of a two very wise men, Dr. Stephan Paulin M.D.(1991) and Mr. Dan Brown B.M.(1967). Thank you gentlemen.

But this is not just about those of us who have been diagnosed with high blood pressure. If you haven't been diagnosed yet - just wait, you will be. So why isn't there an outright war on sodium? Apparently because it tastes so good and makes things fluffy! At least this is what I was told by Crosby's when I pointed out that one pancake made from their mix contains 40% of your daily recommended amount of sodium. And be honest - the last time you had pancakes how many of you had just one? How many people ever eat one pancake - more likely 4 or 5. You do the math....

And this "fluffy" excuse just doesn't wash with me either - haven't they ever heard the expression "flat as a pancake"? I am not asking for a miracle - but if they can put a man on the moon - they can make a healthy, fluffy pancake with less salt than a roll of salami.

But maybe I am taking the wrong approach here. Maybe we don't really need fluffy pancakes. Why not just make them flat and stack them one on top of the other for that fluffy pancake look we all crave?

That's my rant and I must admit I feel a little better. So I am off to find a pancake recipe we can all live with - literally. By the way - February 17th is Pancake Tuesday. You have been warned.

1 comment:

Tracy Walls said...

You battle is much greater than pancakes. Its all packaged foods. We all need to quit packaged foods, and adopt an Amish lifestyle to avoid getting too much sodium.
Even your scratch pancake recipe will have Sodium Bicarbonate or similar sodium product to get those little bubbles that suck up the syrup. Don't get me started on the sugar content in packaged foods.
Try making crepes. They are meant to be flat and you can fill them with fruit and low fat cheese or yogurt, smoked salmon or just about anything else your overworked heart desires.