Some people just like to randomly peruse a newspaper and then discard it all over the living room floor (Julie?) but I am pretty disciplined when it comes to the newspaper ritual. I like my newspaper neat and folded and I have to read it the way it was printed - front to back, section by section. If an article starts in section A and is continued in section D - I don't jump ahead, I will have to read the rest of it when I get there.
Some people prefer the sports pages or the editorials or even (God forbid) the obituaries - to each his own. But the comics are the part of the paper I look forward to the most. What kind of a world would it be without Dagwood, Snoopy, Dilbert and Garfield?
Even though I love newspapers I can also see the wastefulness of them in that they use up so many trees to bring us the news that we can easily get on TV or on the internet. And don't forget the huge cost of physically distributing newspapers all over the planet every single day - a monumentally wasteful enterprise! It costs more and more to produce and distribute newspapers so they sell and print more advertising thereby exacerbating the problem. It makes me angry to see so many supplements in the paper every day. That used to be something associated with Christmas shopping but now it is pretty much year round. The newspapers are in trouble and ironically they seem to be contributing to their own demise.
So I plan to continue reading newspapers as long as they continue to print them and I hope that is a long time. The day will probably come when they are just a remnant of the past but I hope I am a remnant of the past by that time too. And in case you are wondering what Dagwood is up to these days - have a look....
I too...must read the newspaper from front to back in order ! must be in the genes..! good article as usual ..
Well written ... tackled an ethical issue with your usual skill, humor and passion. And a free update on Dagwood to boot!!! Thanks.
P.S. I can't believe you can wait for the end of an article until you get to that page. Impressive!!
I am the same. When I come home I have to read the week's papers in order of the day anf each from front to back. However, I do go to the page to continue an article. Brian can pick up a paper and read it anywhere from any day. Then he leaves them opne on the table or chair. Grrrr. We all have our little quirks.
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