"Cow and Chicken" was a twisted cartoon from the late nineties about a brother and sister, one a cow and the other a chicken; a curious set of siblings if ever there was one and that is all I have to say about that. As it turns out, this blog is actually about soup - so why the cow and chicken? Well, it just so happens that cow and chicken are my favorite soup flavours and I think the picture makes a nice graphic, don't you? And why the sexy title you ask? Well, who would want to read a blog called "Soup"?
What brought this on is that I was enjoying my weekly cup of soup after delivering Meals on Wheels last Sunday when I realized how much I love soup. Especially free soup. You see, after the meals are delivered if there is any hot food left over it is discarded and wasted. I have made it my solemn duty to ensure that this does not happen. Hence my weekly reward of a hot cup of leftover soup, all the more enjoyable now that the weather is turning cooler.
Soup is the ultimate comfort food and it goes with everything. Everyone has their favorite, be it tomato, chicken noodle or an old favorite of mine - Bean with Bacon. And what goes better with a sandwich than a nice bowl of soup?
Soup makes you think of frosty winter days when you have just come in from the cold. You can turn up the heat to warm your outside but nothing warms your insides like a hot bowl of soup. Just putting your face near the bowl to blow on it is therapeutic - and the steam rising warms your face and clears your sinuses. Soup may be good food but it is also good therapy and good medicine. Lipton chicken noodle is the best "medicine" soup for when you have a cold. Who cares about the high salt content - all you want is that steam up your nostrils and that warm feeling in your chest. Ahhh....
Some people have a knack for making soup. I do not have that particular knack and any time I try to make some it always ends up tasting like wet meat. Julie is an excellent soup cook - her beef with barley is not to be missed and is a yearly tradition come Remembrance Day when my brothers and sisters gather after the ceremony. A fitting tribute to my veteran father - a man who loved his soup.
My parents always had a pot of soup on the stove and it was truly a work in progress. Leftovers were just added as they became available so it might have started out as beef or turkey soup but who knows what all ended up in that pot. All I know is that there was always plenty of it, it tasted good and with buttered crackers on the side it made a pretty darn good meal. Not a bad way to stretch a budget either...
So like the punchline goes in that corny joke about the old man who is offered some Super sex, on these chilly autumn days - "I'll have the soup!
make that soup for two ! 'cause I love it too ! odd that I should read this tonight as I just this minute finished freezing my turkey bones for soup !!
Mom always had a pot of Lipton chicken noodle soup when it was her and I at lunch and tons of buttered crackers....everytime I eat soup I think of Mom & Dad...
Julie is a great soup maker too ! right up there with Ma & Pa
I guess we were all raised to love soup. When I am on the road alone my dinner is almost always soup. I have forsaken the chilli and potato. Now I have to depend on Tim Horton's most of the time but some of theirs can be pretty good. I make them give me the butter packages in my hand though. When they put it in the bag it becomes melted butter and a good cracker needs THICK COLD BUTTER to accompany the hot soup. Many nights I get 2 bowls - both for me. Nothing beats it after checking into a cold lonely hotel room.
Well, I have to admit I was quite excited by the title of your blog and wondered what sizzling secrets we were going to hear. Once again I was not disappointed!!And like Jacqui, I have been enjoying turkey soup ...although I am NOT a good soup maker:( Well, actually I enjoy my soup, but there are not crowds gathered to join me - although this year's post Thanksgiving batch did receive a very good response. Nothing like soup to warm the body and the soul ... not unlike your blogs:)
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