Monday, September 27, 2010

A Message to all Voters

Today is the day for all Progressive citizens of New Brunswick to go forward and do their duty. It is not necessarily a time for being Conservative - but it is a time for New opportunities. So exercise your Democratic right and consider what each Party has to offer.

Try to be fair and Liberal in your choice. After all, this is the People's election. Together your votes can form an Alliance for good government. And always remember - the rest of the world would be Green with envy to have a political system like yours.

Voting is not just your right - it is your duty! So do your part - get out there and vote for the party of your choice. Or just close your eyes and take your best shot. Flip a coin, spoil your ballot or just make a doodle. The main thing is that you vote - it is more important than you think.

This non-partisan message has been brought to you by Votecom*- makers of the finest in political road signs, political posters, junk mail flyers, ballot boxes, ballots and short, stubby pencils. So when you make your mark - be sure to make it right, with quality Votecom* products. Remember our motto.... "Keep on Voting!"

*Votecom is a division of Scantron*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

already did my duty !