Saturday, September 18, 2010

Two Thumbs Up!

I went out to "a show" the other night and I have to say I was completely entertained even though I have seen it many times before. This show has literally been around forever - yet it is still enjoyed by young and old alike. With all the hype these days about high definition and 3D it was refreshing to see one of the old classics again. I never get tired of it - I still see something different every time.

There was only a small crowd on hand, but that didn't matter - we all had front row seats. And there was no need to get there early because there are no commercials or previews with this show - just the main feature! As the light started to fade you could sense that the small but appreciative crowd was settling in for an evening of quality viewing.

Imagine watching a show that has been seen by more people than Gone with the Wind, Avatar and Titanic combined - yet it has never won an Oscar or even been nominated! It always starts out slow with the same old plot; simple yet fascinating, but as the light starts to fade the attention of the crowd is once again riveted on the drama unfolding before their eyes. The color was glorious and even the sound was so clear and crisp you could hear every nuance. No people talking too loud or coughing and shuffling, no annoying cellphones. Maybe just the sound of a few loons in the distance... huh?

Oh, did I mention I was talking about a bonfire? The longest running show on earth and it never ceases to fascinate people. And best of all it is absolutely free - except for the cost of the firewood but you can just drag that out of the woods. This particular bonfire was playing at Peltoma Lake last week and I suspect it will be making a return engagement next year and I for one plan to be there.

But don't take my word for it - be sure to see this perennial crowd pleaser the next time it is showing at a lake or a beach or a backyard near you. You will not be disappointed - and I am pretty certain even Siskel and Ebert would have agreed on this!

1 comment:

Judy said...

Definitely two thumbs up ... or is that marshmallows? Haven't enjoyed that show for quite some time, but would love to see it again:)