No - my favorite place for 99¢ deals is the Victory Meat Market. They always have something on sale for 99¢. A package of plastic spoons - 99¢. Four little individual restaurant portions of peanut butter shrink wrapped on a tray - 99¢. Who can resist? Certainly not me. Sometimes they even have unidentified meat products and yes I have bought those too. Shrink wrap it - slap a 99¢ sticker on it and chances are I will buy it. I will buy almost anything for 99¢.
Once I bought a pair of socks for 99¢ using my Visa card. And I keep seeing these incredibly tiny 4 packs of toilet paper for only 99¢. I haven't bought any yet because deep down I know it is not a good deal and Julie is usually with me to point that out. But I will not be able to resist much longer, even though I am sure one tiny roll would not even last through one trip to the bathroom - still, man - 99¢
I once a bought an incredibly tiny Hagen Das ice cream at the Superstore for 99¢ - about three very small mouthfuls. But it was only 99¢ and it even included the tiny spoon. I was satisfied but would I have been as tempted if it was a whole dollar? I am not sure. Julie always says that I would buy a bag of dog shit for 99¢ but even I have my limits. A bag of fake dog shit maybe...
I just can't resist that little yellow 99¢ sticker - those two digits and that alluring little ¢ sign call to me. Now that they have discontinued the penny the days of the two digit deals are numbered. I guess we won't be seeing that little ¢ sign anymore and I for one will miss it. But I sure won't miss typing it and that is why I draw your attention to the title of this blog post.
You will notice I have used the "cent" symbol many times in this post - but do you have any idea how hard that is to do? The dollar sign is easy - just use the shift key and press 4. Like this - $. Easy. Now try to make a cent symbol. Go ahead - I will wait.... (Theme song from Jeopardy). Give up? I am sure you clever ones have already googled it and by now you know that all you have to do is hold down the ALT key and press 0162 on your numeric keypad and then release the ALT key and voila - you have a ¢. Try doing that twenty times while writing a blog - I just did.
Anyway - I will continue to seek out those 99 cent deals as long as they are still out there but I guess I will have to start looking for the $1.00 sale tickets. I went shopping last night and brought home a whole bag of dollar deals - but somehow it just isn't the same. The thrill is gone.
Good one Mac. Still say these should be a weekly column somewhere SM
Gotta love a bargain... I always wondered how to make the cent sign..now tell me how to make musical note sign.jp
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