Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Freedom of ████

There are several ██████ in the news these days that I feel very strongly about. First of all I am fed up with ███ - and I feel we all have the right to ██ whoever we want. What would this world be without the freedom to ███?
The truth often hurts and if this ████ blog offends some of my more ████ readers - ███ ! We live in a free country do we not? We all have the right to  ███ and I for one intend to exercise that right - even if I have to ████ to do it .
Secondly, there is too way much  ██████ in this country and not enough ███. What is wrong with the ███ anyway? I should have the right to ██ in public if I want to.

And what about the ████ ? It is bloody well time those ██████ 's started pulling their weight. Who do they think they are anyway? Just because they have lots of  ███ does that make them any more ████ than me or you? Of course not!

I think it is time I made my position very clear. The truth is that ███ is ████ and it is all the fault of those damn ██████ and their █████. There - I said it.

And finally, what this country needs is a damn good ████ ! I have a right to ███ and if I want to ███ that is my business.

Those of you who agree with me deserve a great big ████ and those who disagree can ██ my ███ ! As always I welcome your comments - don't be afraid to ███ your ███ even if it is completely ████

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