Dirty jokes were a total mystery to an innocent kid like me. I always remembered the punchlines but not the jokes, and I knew they were dirty - I just didn't know why. But that didn't stop me from chuckling knowingly with all the other ten year olds...
These dirty jokes were usually popularized by the much envied Johnny - otherwise known as Little Johnny, Dirty Johnny or sometimes Johnny Eferfast (it took me years to catch on to that one). Johnny was the master of the sly sexual innuendo and for a kid who we considered to be a contemporary of ours he was quite the man of the world.
Little Johnny could order an ice cream sundae and keep a straight face while tricking the waitress into innocently asking if he would like his nuts crushed? He would delight us by getting some unsuspecting kid to say "Mother May I" and then spell "cup"... oh how we roared!
If an old lady on the bus suddenly remembered she forgot to buy some pain relievers and shouted "Oh my Aspirins!" Johnny would bravely yell "If your ass burns - then stick it out the window" while we howled with laughter! He may have even sometimes been the butt of his own jokes but we secretly all wanted to be just like him. Johnny could put strangers, parents and even teachers in their place with his ribald pseudo innocence.
When the teacher asked someone to give an example of two abstract nouns (look it up) - in the blink of an eye Johnny would knowingly reply "Your tits". When he daringly asked "What word starts with F and ends with UCK?" we were both thrilled and shocked until Johnny said "a firetruck." Oh if only we dared to be as slick as Johnny... he was better than bad - he was good! Johnny could get a whole classroom of boys to wet themselves just by getting you to repeat a simple phrase like "rubber balls and liquor". As I recall that one had something to do with Marilyn Monroe in the bathtub but the sexual confusion didn't bother us - we were too busy rolling on the floor.
And finally Johnny taught us all to appreciate the finer things in life like poetry when he recited "There was a young man from Nantucket" and musical theater when he sang "She was riding down the road doing 90 miles an hour when the chain on her bicycle broke"... if you don't know the endings then I am afraid your education is lacking too.
I don't know if Little Johnny is still around or not but I kind of suspect he is. It must be tough for him in these days of the internet and sex education in schools. But I think that as long as there are ten year old boys, and as long as there are four letter words and boobs, Little Johnny will always have a willing audience. They may have put sex education in the schools but Little Johnny keeps it on the playground - where it belongs.
ha ha good reading for a fine Christian holiday.
Little Johnny will always be a part of the lives of ten yr old boys...this day and age..could be younger !!
Your usual brilliant take on an ageless topic. Well done, brother!
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