And what a joyful sound that was! I can still hear it.... a gentle reminder that the spirit of Christmas was alive and well. It may have bothered some people but it sure never bothered me whether it was outside on a street corner or in a crowded mall. It was for a good cause - the best cause of all; people helping people.
It is quite common now for charities to mount their fund raising efforts around Christmas to feed the hungry and provide the children with toys and there is nothing wrong with that. But the Salvation Army has been doing it for generations and the symbol of the Christmas kettle with the volunteer ringing the bell has become synonymous with the spirit of seasonal giving. My grandmother did it, my sisters have done it and are still doing it to this day. I am very proud of them all.
What a wonderful charitable organization the Salvation Army is - it puts them all to shame without even trying. So I say ring those bells! Make skinflints like me dig even deeper into those lint-filled pockets. Fill those kettles! Make a joyful noise - you have to if you want to be heard above the sounds of the video arcade and Maria Carey warbling over the mall sound system. If I wasn't such a good Anglican I would be tempted to get out there and do it myself!
And for those of you who prefer the modern way of doing things - there is even an on-line version of the traditional Christmas Kettle. It is called the Ikettle and it can be found right here:
Personally I prefer the real thing so I will be dropping by the nearest location with my heartfelt, though meager donation - but hey, it all adds up, right? So make your contribution - and while you are at it ask them to make a little noise and maybe bring back the bells. After all, it's Christmas - a time when miracles can happen and who knows... who knows.
I totally agree !!!! bring back the bells...
What can I say ...another great blog!!
Every year there seems to be an outcry against the bells (usually be merchants who are located by the kettle and say the bells drive them crazy) and then there is the anti-outcry? similar to yours today - and always, always, always when I have been at a kettle where the bells are banned, people keep asking me to ring the bells!!!
And to be totally honest, when there are bells supplied I ALWAYS say to myself "I will not ring those bells" but within a few minutes I see people hurrying by and NOT stopping so I realize they can't see me there, so I ring the bells... and eventually someone sees me and comes over to donate!! I will ring the bells with a little more gusto this year, after having read this blog!!
Thanks brother:)
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