I think you all remember Victor who came to us late last fall and stayed around for most of the winter. Victor was always helpful and willing to lend a hand - he really came through for us when our Christmas light display was in jeopardy and made a mediocre effort into something unique and newsworthy. He held on until spring and tried to make himself useful around the place but it was an easy winter and there wasn't much for him to do. A man like Victor needs to feel useful....

He tried his hand at snow removal but he just didn't have the strength or coordination to operate heavy machinery and there wasn't much snow anyway. This is when things started to go downhill for Victor and it was all he could do to hold on until spring. Once the Christmas season was over he more or less just loitered around the back yard but he seemed to be looking forward to the barbecue season.

He took an interest in all things mechanical and in retrospect I think we could have found more for him to do around the place but that is hindsight now. Without something to keep him occupied, Victor just continued to go downhill as the season wore on...

It was inevitable I suppose that he would come to such an end - he was always hanging around so much and was so quiet that he just became part of the scenery. And our carport is so small and cluttered and I wasn't paying attention - I was momentarily distracted and then there was this bump - and a sickening thud....

I honestly don't know if it was intentional or if it was just an accident. Victor had not been himself for weeks - he mostly just lurked around the woodpile. He no longer had a purpose in life and for that I blame myself. But what's done is done and can't be undone.

Victor would not want anyone to make a fuss over him so I did what I thought was best and made sure his departure was quick and dignified. Don't worry about Victor - he is in a better place. He was a very private person and didn't show his emotions much but I think the picture below just about says it all. So long Victor - we hardly knew ye!
I'm so ashamed! I didn't even realize he was gone!!
You played with dolls, didn't you?
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