Sunday, May 13, 2012


What is a person to do? We read labels, count calories, measure daily percentages - all in an endless quest for good health and immortality; when all we really want is food that tastes good and is good for you. Well, I think I have found it. And it was right under our noses all along - right there in our lunch pails in fact.

Remember lunch pails? Now I don't want to get off topic too much, but there is a smell I miss. The smell of opening a slightly warm lunch pail at school and smelling everything in there all mixed together - baloney sandwiches wrapped in wax paper, an apple, home made macaroon cookies and maybe even a hard boiled egg still in the shell - with some salt twisted up in wax paper - all courtesy of Mom. And wash that all down with a nice glass of warm milk or if you were lucky - warm chocolate milk! And while I am at it - whatever happened to lunch pails anyway? And I don't mean those fancy Roy Rogers or Elvis Presley vanity lunch boxes - I mean a real metal lunch pail with the hinged rounded top where you kept your thermos. Of course even those were a step above the humble lard pail but when I close my eyes and imagine lunch time at Summerhill School - it is a lard pail that I see... and smell.

Now where was I? Oh yeah - the perfect food. Ladies and gentlemen - I give you the peanut butter and jelly sandwich. And this is scientific too - I have read all the labels and done all the research so you can take my word for it. Peanut butter is the perfect food. It is low in sodium for the hyper-tense and has very little sugar for those you who are of the diabetic persuasion. What about calories you ask? Well I am pretty sure we all need those to survive so no problem there - but they do have a 25% less fat variety which I actually prefer, or you can just go easy.

And now for a short word about jam. Just like my preference for tea (click here) I prefer the cheaper brands of jam. I don't want half the sugar and double the fruit - I just want sticky, gloppy jam. You will find it down on the bottom shelf - it comes in two flavors, strawberry and raspberry. And the redder the better.

So there you have it folks - the perfect food. And to make things even simpler here is a short shopping list for the next time you go to the store: 1.) Peanut butter 2.) jam and 3.) bread. If you don't have the recipe I have that for you too: Take two slices of bread (home made would be nice but let's not get carried away) and apply a liberal amount of peanut butter to one slice. Add a layer of red, sticky jam and cover with the second slice. Press everything together firmly, wrap in wax paper and seal in a metal can for about 4 hours. Repeat until healthy.


Anonymous said...

I can smell those lunch pails too. I am sure there were fancy name brand lunch pails but I dpnt remember being embarassed by the lard pail at all. Couldn't happen today.

Judy said...

ahhh!! you make lunch sound so good and so safe!! We'd be afraid of that now, but look at us, we survived:)