But what is Preparation H you ask? It is a strict regimen designed to prepare my body for actual physical movement. I will begin to move muscles that have not been used since last October. I will increase my lung capacity by slowly and repeatedly breathing both in and out. I will boldly try to stay awake - even after supper.
With the financial help of my sponsors I will make every attempt to once again complete the entire 20 kilometer route without the aid of steroids or artificial stimulants of any kind. With nothing but Preparation H behind me I will be swelling with pride, burning with passion and itching to do my best.
And this is where you can help. This year there are three sponsorship categories - please choose the one that best describes your commitment level:
$20.00 donation = Shining Golden Angel of Perpetual Kindness *
$10.00 donation = Silver Champion of Pure Generosity
$ 5.00 donation = Registered Bronze Participant
(* Only Shining Golden Angels of Perpetual Kindness will be issued a tax receipt)
With the help of Preparation H and your generous donation (and maybe just a little talcum powder) I know this year's Bike-a-Thon will be another blistering success! Please click on the email link below and make your commitment today. And thanks!
Very funny Mac, made me laugh out loud in the airport...
What a word craft!!!
Your words to solicit funds for such a worthy cause are hilarious while at the same time clearly expressing the need for support!!
And you've got mine!!!
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