Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Blog 1961

It's Christmas! It finally arrived! I waited all year and it's Christmas again and it's almost over...

I went to bed last night at 8 o'clock after watching a scary movie called A Christmas Carol - but it turned out OK because Mr. Scrooge was nice in the end. I didn't want to go to bed but Mom made us go. I wanted to stay up and look at the tree - we have blinking lights this year and lights that bubble when they heat up. My brother Bobby and I didn't even try to sleep at first - there was so much to talk about. Finally we fell asleep and woke up when we knew it MUST be morning - but it was only 12:30 at night! It felt like morning would never come.

But it did and you should see our tree after Santa came - gifts covered the whole living room floor. We even got a toboggan big enough for all of us.

This year we opened gifts from oldest to youngest and my sister Jacqui went first so it seemed like forever until I got to open my presents. Bobby had to go last which is hard for a little kid but next year he is first.
I got a Jon Nagy Learn to Draw Kit, a really neat ballpoint pen set , a real Timex watch, a dartboard, a friction car and box of Lifesavers from Grammie.
My sisters all got these big dolls that all look the same, and hair combs and other girl stuff. I am glad I am a boy. Bobby got a Give-a-Show projector - I can't wait until we can watch cartoons on the wall.
Mom and Dad said they don't want presents anymore because they are grown ups. I hope I still want presents when I am old.
Anyway - this is the best Christmas ever! Now we have to wait a whole year until it comes again. I can hardly wait for Christmas 1962!

1 comment:

Judy said...

Thanks for bringing back these memories! How well I remember those beautiful dolls. I also remember another technique mum used to ensure good behavior as Christmas approached -- Peeky and Pokey. Rememeber?!