Saturday, January 16, 2010

Please help....

I bet you thought this blog was about the poor unfortunate country of Haiti, didn't you? Well I did too when I sat down to write it but I soon realized that I am not qualified to do that. It is beyond my ability to express an opinion about suffering of that magnitude. All I can do is my small part and be thankful for those people and organizations who do their big parts. Now on with my story...

It really is OK to take your mind off of this terrible event and turn to something more lighthearted - if you don't agree then stop reading now.

Still reading....? OK. You asked for it.

As you may or may not know our beloved city of Fredericton needs your help. As you read this there is a major revamping underway of the Canadian version of Monopoly. Yes - Monopoly. The game we all played when we were kids! Remember? Everyone crowded around the table or on the bedroom floor with piles of money stuffed under the game board, Get out of Jail Free cards stashed away because you knew you were going to jail eventually. Little red houses and big black hotels crammed on to your property in hopes of raking in that big rent payment when some poor sucker lands there.
And Monopoly is not just for kids - I played a new Beatles version with some friends a couple of weeks ago and it is still just as much fun.

So if you have ever played Monopoly or if you ever plan to play again now is the time to stand up and be counted. I am ashamed to report that Fredericton currently stands at a dismal 0.6% in the national ratings. With your help Waterloo Row could be the next Boardwalk! Or Sunshine Gardens could be the next Marvin Gardens - think of that!

So here is my advice: Do Not Pass Go - Do Not Collect $200.00 - donate that to Haitian relief if you want to. But go directly to and register your vote today!

OK - so whose turn was it?


Tracy Walls said...

I cast my vote.

Funny I thought we already had one but maybe its Saint John I'm thinking of. I can't check since I left it at the cottage.

Mac said...

There were some games made up for local fundraising purposes and I remember those but this is referring to the official game where one property will be named for the winning city. Keep voting!