My grandson Cadence is what is now referred to as a 'covid kid' since that is the only life he has known. But kids are kids and they will repeat what they hear so you better be careful. We were all talking one day last year when suddenly Cadence coughed a couple of times and then loudly declared "Oh my God! I'm covid!" We all had a good laugh but it sure drove home what he had been hearing for his three short years here on planet Earth.
This blog post is supposed to be about Christmas so why the title "Unboxing Day"? Well, that is another Cadence thing. If you are a parent or grand parent these days you may or may not be aware of a YouTube phenomenon known as unboxing - where people film themselves opening packaged items such as toys, cellphones, appliances and vacuums. Then they post these videos on YouTube and actually earn money from the thousands and millions of idiotic viewers like me. Cadence has a particular preference for vacuums and has learned the ins and outs of all the brands. Needless to say we have watched countless hours of unboxing videos, mostly about vacuums while he sits enraptured (and quiet). Now unboxing has come to refer to the opening of any boxed or packaged item he sees. It doesn't really matter what it is - the unboxing is what its all about. Hence the title Unboxing Day.
While we await the arrival of Christmas or Unboxing Day this year, Cadence has taken it upon himself to "decate our new compartment." Let me translate. We moved recently into a newly renovated apartment in an old downtown building which Cadence calls our compartment. We don't do much in the way of decorating these days but with his help our new compartment has been decated with beyewful decations. Its easy when you speak the lingo...
The picture below shows some of his work. If you look closely it even kind of almost spells out Merry Christmas - sort of... I helped with the Merry part but he did the rest by himself.
Forgive me for going on about Cadence but he is a special boy and this story was inspired by him. I know all grandchildren are special and precious but although he is no angel and sometimes is a little devil, believe me when I tell you he was truly heaven sent.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Happy Unboxing day to you all!

Yes he is heaven sent and a sweet boy. Special to all Hayneses and used to be Hayneses too. Glad he's helping to decate the new place.
Merry Christmas to you and all the Saint Andrews clan. We look forward to a visit before too long. The blood pudding will be awaiting.
Nice to see your post! Merry Xmas 2023! When Cadence gets older and refuses to take a bath you can start calling him the ‘dirt devil’ ha ha 😝
Good one Bev
Happy new year to all …the new compartment is lovely
So nice to see this blog again…..looking forward to more ❤️
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