Truth be told - Fred, or "Fredders" as she liked to call him, could be down right belligerent and cantankerous at times. But she saw only the good in him - always telling me what a good singer and dancer he used to be in his youth. I always chatted with Elaine while Fred either ignored me or glanced suspiciously at me over his shoulder. Nevertheless, she always insisted that he thought the world of me. He would wait for my arrival every week and began to get agitated if I was late.
Elaine is not in the best of health herself but she worried constantly over Fred's every little complaint and gave him the best of care. She kept him warm and always made sure he didn't get caught in a draft as he was quite frail. Between the two of them they smoked a pack a day until Elaine decided to quit for the good of their health. I guess that is why I was so shocked when I learned of his sudden passing.
Fredders may be gone but I am sure I will continue to listen to Elaine's stories about his many virtues and talents. He could whistle and sing! He could dance! And he was pretty! Sometimes he would even fly about the room and perch on her shoulder. That's right - and if you haven't figured out yet that Fredders was a bird those last few sentences must have surprised you. Fredders was a cockatiel - and he belonged to a Meals on Wheels client of mine. He was quite old for a cockatiel, almost 30 - the average lifespan being 15 years. So he had a nice long life.
He was a great companion for Elaine and I am not mocking them in any way. I had always meant to bring him a special treat along with her meal and now it is too late. But wait - there may be a chance to make amends. It turns out that Fredders had not made any prior arrangements for his untimely demise and since Elaine is a shut-in, I have been asked if I would be willing to give him a proper burial. I said that it would be my pleasure and I have reserved a spot for him in my back yard - funeral arrangements are pending.
So what more can I say except Rest in Peace Fredders - you were indeed a pretty bird!
RIP Fredders.
This story warmed my heart! RIP Fredders...and Kudo's to my wonderful brother for his compassion !
When is the service? We could be mourners for dear Fredders. Sandy
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