Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Before we get started, let me state that I am a confirmed and contented coffee drinker - two cups in the morning with breakfast is my standard routine and I couldn't start the day without it. We have a drip coffee maker and there is no sweeter sound than when those drips start dripping. Especially when I have set it the night before to come on automatically - like magic!

Good coffee is something I don't mind paying for and I have learned that you get what you pay for. But tea is a different matter altogether and the truth is I actually prefer bad tea. I have tried many teas but to me the cheapest brand with the most tea bags is what pleases me. I just bought 72 bags of Signal tea bags at Sobey's for $1.99 - a little pricey but I am running low.

My mother was a great tea drinker - she drank it steeped and strong and all day long. The teapot was always on the stove and she just simply added more tea bags and water as needed. Mom knew how to get maximum mileage out of a tea bag and she kept it nice and warm under a tea cozy. I on the other hand, make my tea by boiling water in a pot on top of the stove - throw a teabag in a cup, add boiling water and then squeeze the bag against the side of the cup with a spoon. Toss the used tea bag in the sink, a little milk and sugar and I am away. I like my teabags square, not round - and packed in paper not flow-thru gauze. And like my father I prefer my tea "with it" - as in "Would you like a cup of tea? Sure - what have you got to go with it?

A wise man once said that coffee is food but tea is medicine and I couldn't agree more. If you are getting over a cold or flu do you recover by having a robust cup of coffee and a danish?  Of course not - a civilized person nurses oneself back to health by taking a little dry toast and some weak tea.

Tea has been around for thousands of years and is more socially acceptable in polite company than that young upstart coffee. If the Queen came to visit (and when I was a child I always believed there was a distinct possibility that this might happen) what would you serve her? Why a cup of tea of course - served in your finest hand painted china, complete with matching saucer.

And maybe just a little something to go "with it"....


Anonymous said...

well...now you make me want a cup of tea.....
I have been drinking coffee for years and rarely have tea....and yes the threat of the queen coming was always a reason to practice with the pinky in position...

Sandy said...

We really did think that Queen's visit was imminent, didn't we? I wonder why Mom told us that. Just another weapon in her arsenal to keep us quiet I guess. But to this day I still daydream about running into Charles and asking him over for tea, It could happen. I would serve him King Cole ( and I miss the gauze - they stopped using it this year)with milk, sugar on the table if he must have it. I would give him the Royal albert Old Country Roses teacup and saucer with a matching sideplate for "withits". Camilla could have the made in China one. No wait, in my daydream Camilla isn't invited. Charles left her home sweeping Balmoral.

Judy said...

I wonder if the Queen has a cup of coffee every now and again ... nah not likely!! Great thoughts on tea (and coffee) Mac. Brought lots of memories and pleasant thoughts to mind. Definitely the prospect of the Queen coming to tea!! And a little 'with it' to go along side the tea!!! My new favorite tea right now is peppermint tea from Tim Hortons. And my favorite blog ...right here!!!!Great work, Mac.