The fact that it was the same dog shit merely adds insult to injury. I thought I smelled something familiar yet foul when I was mowing the lawn but couldn't quite place it - after all, has been a long time since I smelled dog shit. Modern day leash laws and the stoop and scoop movement have made us complacent and desensitized to this once commonplace scourge. Innocently I was on the lookout for some sort of dead animal when I spotted it there in the grass with the unmistakable imprint of someone's sneaker. Then it dawned on me that I was that someone. Case solved.
The world has changed, my friends.... but is it really a safer place? Despite on going safety measures planes still crash, oil spills get bigger and more deadly, and global terrorism is a growing threat. But like you, I truly thought the world had become safe from dog shit... until today; how naive we are as a species. Maybe this is just an isolated incident - I certainly hope so but I will be keeping my eyes down for the next while. I suggest you do the same.
Don't even get me started!!! Our 80 something year old neighbor recently got a live in caregiver ...and she came with a dog, three cats and umpteen birds. No problem to us (or to him believe it or not!!) until one day she came home with ANOTHER dog ... who ran freely throughout the neighborhood, but who seemed to choose OUR yard for his business!!! he is now tied in his own yard, but not until after many, many , many incidents, which would take too long to tell ... will only say I commiserate with you fully:( You tackled a subject that someone just had to do. Thank You!!!
Clearly you have not paid much time on the trail system in winter then. Your gait looks pretty interesting because every step you take has to go either left or right to avoid the large brown pile. Yes EVERY STEP. Try walking home from UNB and you will see.
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