Has anyone else noticed the glut of apologies in the media lately? Politicians, businessmen and the clergy have been apologizing for years but now it seems everyone is getting into the act. It seems like every time you turn around someone is apologizing for something they did or didn't do. Most recently we see Olympic athletes apologizing for not winning a gold medal. What's that all about and just who are they apologizing to? Certainly not me....
And there have been some pretty hefty apologies lately - the Pope even said he was sorry for the Crusades and that the church persecuted Galileo - isn't there a statute of limitations on these things? Lighten up Pope, Galileo and most of the people tortured by the Inquisition have forgotten all about it. Mr. Toyota has been on TV recently apologizing for every car he ever made - I never owned a Toyota so I guess I will have to wait until Mr. Ford or Mr. Kia gets around to me. Because it seems that before you apologize - you have to get caught. Ahh - now we are getting somewhere.
Don't get me wrong - I am not anti-apology. A personal apology can be sincere as in "Oops - I stepped on your foot. Sorry!" But to me a sweeping apology to an entire nation or race after several hundred years is a little different.... "Oops - I subjected your entire civilization to centuries of persecution and abuse. Sorry!" Can you see the subtle distinction here?
I have always thought that when someone is backed in the corner and delivers an overdue apology they are really rolling their eyes and saying "Ok Mom - you caught me stealing from the cookie jar. I promise I won't do it again - can I go out and play now?"
So that is my opinion and if you disagree with me you are just plain wrong. But if you care to pursue the matter and can successfully prove that you have been wronged by any statements made in this blog please be assured that I will eventually apologize and say "I'm sorry".