Saturday, December 24, 2016

A Christmas Story after all...

I did not plan to write anything this year but something happened this morning that made me decide to share a little Christmas story after all. There has not been a lot of Christmas spirit around our house this season but Julie and I have been doing fairly well thanks to keeping busy with charity work and lots of help from John and Beki. We are all still finding out how to celebrate Christmas in a different yet meaningful way without Cameron and it looks like we will make it eventually. But that is not my story...

As you know, we have students that rent rooms in our basement and although we don't have much interaction we do see and hear them from time to time. We have been very lucky and have not had any problems except for the odd plugged toilet now and then.

Our most recent student was Hau Tran who has been here for the last 7 weeks as he completes an upgrade in his trade. Hau is one of a kind (just like Cameron) and if I could tell you his nationality I would - but suffice it to say he looks Hawaiian or Polynesian but with a huge wild afro under a ball cap. A very nice fellow to say the least and much at ease with himself.

I mentioned that we see and hear our students sometimes but I forgot to say we also smell them. That does not mean they smell - it means that they cook bacon every single day and not just for breakfast! No complaints here - who doesn't love bacon!

However, a few evenings ago Hau was cooking his evening bacon and apparently studying very intently when the smoke detectors suddenly went off. Our house has about 12 smoke detectors and they are all wired together so it is pretty hard to miss even a small bacon fire. That is what happened - when I ran downstairs Hau had the frying pan in the sink and it was still burning brightly. The apartment and the first floor quickly filled with more smoke than you would think could come from one small frying pan.

I remembered that we had fire extinguishers in both the apartments and once I located it and read the instructions the fire was quickly put out - first time I ever had to use one and it did the job quite well.

There was no real damage done except for a lot of smoke and noise as the alarms would not go off until we had John bring down some fans from his place and clear everything out.

After the smoke cleared we left Hau to his studies and kidded him that he had apparently picked the right career as he was certainly not cut out to be a cook. The whole episode was rather amusing and no harm was done - Hau cleaned everything up and even saved the bacon. He wrote his final exam on Thursday and we bid him farewell with an invitation to return anytime. End of story? Not quite...

We also clean the student apartment every weekend, mostly just to tidy up and keep an eye on things - we do not enter the student's rooms as that is their personal space. Now that Hau's room is available I went in to see what needs to be done for our next boarder who arrives in January.

On the night table next to the bed I found the following note from Hau:
"Thank you for everything! I left a gift card for Canadian Tire. That should do for a new fire extinguisher. If not, you will find something to buy there. Ha Ha - Merry Christmas!  - Hau
I took the picture below just as I found it. This small but meaningful and funny (the receipt is a nice touch) gesture has helped to kindle a little Christmas spirit so I thought I would spread it around. Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Today is the fourth day of May - which can also be referred to as May the fourth and as such has been adopted by those who know and care as a Star Wars special event of sorts. On this day we say "May the Fourth be With You" as a twist on the familiar Star Wars greeting "May the Force be With You".

I will tell you up front that this story is about Cameron and how much he loved Star Wars, but what has that got to do with pansies you may well ask? Well, as usual, my stories have a bit of a twist and so I will tell you about it...

When I was very young I lived in Woodstock near my grandmother who had a good friend named Pansy. Grammie lived in many places around the little town of Woodstock and it seemed to me that there were always pansies in and around wherever she lived. And her good friend Pansy was always around too. So to my childish mind, these flowers obviously had some special connection with Pansy - and I never questioned that, it just seemed natural to me. So even after 50+ years, I still associate Pansy the woman with pansies the flower.

Maybe now you can see where I came up with the title of "Pansies". Cameron loved Star Wars and watched every episode countless times and owned all the movies. He made references to characters and places in the movies so often, that in my mind it has become natural to think of Cameron whenever I think of Star Wars. And I don't question this either - it just seems natural to me. The association is so strong that you might even say that Cameron is Star Wars...

So on this day or whenever someone says "May the Force be With You" you know who I will be thinking of. And I still kind of like pansies...