We used to spend so much time together her and I - we were practically inseparable. There wasn't a day that went by when we didn't share some little adventure together. As Forrest Gump would say, the two of us were "just like peas and carrots."

The dark days of winter are particularly hard on her and it is almost impossible to get her going. She used to be so active and useful - always running here and there. Now she just sits there like the very fluid of life has been drained out of her - and I feel like it is all my fault. What could she be thinking about? Does she blame me for this season of discontent? I know I haven't taken her out anywhere for a long time but who can blame me - she can't handle the the snow and ice and she just hates the cold weather.
I looked in on her the other day and it almost broke my heart how much I miss her. There she was - sitting absolutely still and staring blankly out the window. It was dark and smelled a little gassy in there but that is to be expected - all cooped up like that with no fresh air or exercise. I guess I have no choice - one of these days I am going to have to physically push her out the door and give her a good kick start.
I have to admit that even after all these months of inactivity she still gets my motor running. Just looking at those familiar curves and that soft comfy seat make me long for better days ahead. I can only sigh when I think of how it will feel when I get my hands on her again and wrap my legs around her. I can’t even remember the last time I straddled her although I am pretty sure it was late last fall.
Once the weather warms and things dry up I am sure it will be better and I will finally get her outside gain. All I will have to do is rinse off the winter grime, change her oil and filter and the two of us will be as one again. How fortunate I am that Julie understands that special bond that only exists between a man and his motorcycle. Different yet the same - just like peas and carrots...