Personally I couldn't start the day without mine - it has served me well for many years and even comforted me in times of sickness. And I bet you spend a few moments with yours every day without giving it so much as a second thought. We all tend to take them for granted while they patiently sit and await our command. They don't ask anything of us - they are quiet, reliable and require very little maintenance.
It's true they haven't changed much with the times and might even be considered a bit old fashioned but why tamper with perfection? Maybe they are not the coolest thing around but they can really heat things up. What am I talking about? Why my toaster of course.
Can you think of a more useful and user friendly appliance? It takes plain simple, boring bread and in a matter of minutes transforms it into a roasted delicacy, fit for your family - or even the Royal Family! At the mere touch of a button we are served up not one but two, or even four perfect portions, served any way you like - lightly browned or burned to a crusty crispness. It will even keep your toast warm while you prepare the rest of your meal.
What brought about this little homage to the toaster you ask? Well - we just parted with our old one after sadly watching its performance deteriorate over the last few months. We tried cleaning out the crumbs, we gave it extra time, we even re-toasted our bread but we all know that is just wrong. So out with the old and in with the new - it even counts down the seconds to pop-up; no more guesswork. I just had a toasted tomato sandwich and I can tell you it was perfection. Can life get any better? Would it be too corny to offer a toast to a toaster? Too late - I just did...